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Transport Client Delivery (Pull) Services (file download)

1. Ability to monitor deliveries and pull the next file ready for delivery for a single endpoint

EndpointDelivery (string transportCode, string endpointCode, string simulation = null)

2. Monitor deliveries and pull the next file ready for delivery for all endpoints of an organization

EndpointDeliveryOrg (string orgCode, string simulation = null)

3. Ability to confirm that delivery file was received and moved to target folder correctly

EndpointDeliveryReceipt (string transportCode, string endpointCode, long ctrlFlwFileActionId, string simulation = null)

4. Monitor deliveries, pull the next AS2 file and give it to AS2 server for delivery

EndpointDeliveryAS2 (string as2ISCode, string simulation = null)

5. AS2 server reports delivery completion / failure

EndpointDeliveryAS2Status ([FromBody]CtrlFlwEndpointDeliveryAS2StatusServiceInfo endpointDeliveryAS2StatusServiceInfo)

6. Inform the ‘source’ endpoint where to copy the next file in the LAN

EndpointDeliveryLanToLan (string transportCode, string sourceEndpointCode, string simulation = null)

7. Report LAN to LAN copy status (completion or failure)

EndpointDeliveryLanToLanStatus ([FromBody]CtrlFlwEndpointDeliveryLanToLanStatusServiceInfo endpointDeliveryLanToLanStatusServiceInfo)

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