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Thru exposes multiple APIs for its platform.

The Management Service API reference documentation allows clients to get information and manipulate entities in a single area.

Entities are transports, activity, alerts, files, deliveries, organizations, subscription and user management etc.

Examples for using this API :

• Exposing activity and alerts in external system
• Automation adding organizations and subscriptions
• Automating user management
• Enabling / Disabling entities (Organizations, subscriptions)
• Replaying files, retrying deliveries

Contact support for access to the Management Service API documentation

The Thru platform also exposes an API for the Transport Client and iPaaS MFT Connectors.

The connector allows the simple interaction between middle-ware flows and Thru.

With just a few calls, a process or flow can pick up files from many sources and send files to many targets.

Sources and targets can be modified or changed at any time but it does not affect the process or the flow.

The usual development process is as following – An enterprise process/flow is created with a single test source.

Once the processing logic is in place the process/flow replaces the test source with Thru MFT connector.

By doing so, it delegates collection and distribution to Thru and doesn’t need to change again unless the processing logic changes.

Connector API supports parallel upload.

Contact support for access to the Connector Service API Reference documentation and an upload code sample.

Note : A large file download will consume large memory. If your requirement is to support pickup of very large files, arriving files need to be persisted before proceeding to processing.

The document only focuses on file exchange.

All API calls require an encrypted authorization header which identify requested endpoint or organization.

This ensures data isolation where clients can only upload files to their endpoints and get information about their organization, transports and endpoints.

Service requests expire after 30 seconds and cannot be replayed.

The platform is built to minimize the need to write interfaces by using connectors to iPaaS platforms similar to the connector.

Integrators can use the Transport Client instead of working directly with the API.

Additional APIs can be exposed as needed or requested by current customers to address specific use cases.

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