Semaphore File Support
Thru MFT currently supports semaphore files or temporary filenames to avoid pulling partial files from FTPS or SFTP Server endpoints only.
When opening a SFTP/FTPS Server endpoint the following option can be enabled.

If value for option “Use semaphore files / temporary filenames” equals “Yes” then then the following options are displayed “Semaphore action” with following values:

Usecase 1: Using a semaphore file (trigger) to indicate that the file is now ready to be pulled/processed.
If value for option “Semaphore action” equals “Create a semaphore file” then the following field needs to be filled:
§ Enter the semaphore file name to indicate the OptiPaas can start processing the file
Check that either prefix or postfix of the file template is filled.

Process description:
User uploads file (original file: (example) abc_1.txt) on Server. After successful upload user creates a semaphore file (new file: (example) abc_1.txt.done).
OptiPaas waits for a semaphore file to start download original file. OptiPaas deletes semaphore file after successful download.
· If uses <Private Delivery Prefix> in source file name: OptiPaas waits for the following
Source Original File: <Private Delivery Prefix><File Name>.<File Extension>
Source Semaphore File: <Semaphore Prefix><Private Delivery Prefix><File Name>.<File Extension><Semaphore Postfix>
Usecase 2:
If value for option “Semaphore action” equals “Rename uploaded file” then the following 2 additional fields are displayed :

Example :
§ Use [checkbox] template for the file when the user started uploading

Until the prefix in this example inprogress_ is removed from the filename the file will not be pulled.
§ Use [checkbox] template for the file when the user finished uploading

Until the postfix in this example .finished is appended to the filename the file will not be pulled.
Process description:
User uploads file (start file name: (example) start_abc_1.txt) on Server. After successful upload user renames a file (completed file name: (example) abc_1.txt.done).
OptiPaas waits for a “completed” file to start download file.