Thru shows a compact view where filters and file statistics are collapsed.
Once expanded, Thru remembers the current state.
Filters are frequently used so they are preset automatically.
- ‘One click’ access to files, activity and alerts from anywhere on the system is based on presetting the filters.
- The statistics give quick access to filtering including date ranges.
- Filters are further used for the lists in the partner account.
Navigation through the system is designed so you can start anywhere – from files, transports or participant and move around quickly.
Another major system design is that ‘files’ are always in context of transport and organization (origin). It does not stand on its own. It has many benefits and in effect replaces the folder-based structure.
It is not a ‘job’ – it is a more like a ‘route’ or… a ‘transport.’ A Transport is a ‘looking forward’ entity designed to accommodate new participants. Thru addresses the large scale problem of file exchange with many participants going through many transports.